Tuesday, June 10, 2008


i started the week out on the right foot...this week i was to add 4 miles to my bike ride...did it on sunday and again tonight...so officially i'm up to 16 miles on the bike...i'm not feeling beat down like i was last week...tonight's ride was particularly brutal...i went to whiterock lake and the winds were pretty intense and the ride is a lot tougher than the ride in irving because it's more hills...so last week when i was averaging 12 miles a ride it was a punk ride cuz there's only one "hill" on that ride...however, as i mentioned in my last post along with the complication of staying on the bike there's also one other thing propelling me to finish the ride...in irving they have a gun range by the bike trail...let me tell you the sound of gun fire cracking off in the background is enough to spur me to finish each time i do that ride...anyone riding by me can surely smell the fear of falling off the bike and the fear of getting hit by a bullet...at least i hope that's fear they smell...oh wait, i may have pissed myself ;-)...my goal is to ride two more times this week and keep that 16 mile pace...the road to prague will not be pretty...that much time on the bike causes my va-jay-jay to be numb...that pales in comparison to what happened to my trainer on sunday...he buys a new pair of shorts to wear on his bike ride...that night he says the tip is chaffed...i take a look at it and sure enough it's got this pink hue to it...well, this morning when he showed it to me it looked like a burn...bless his little heart...that's all i got!

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