Saturday, July 26, 2008

Prelude to Praha….we’re out bitches!!!!

This ones from Norma ~I've stolen Olivia's identity...ok I am the creator so I have the

July 26, 2008

Prelude to Praha….we’re out bitches!!!!

Today is our final Saturday before we leave on the 30th….Moni is standing in line at Willow Bend to get us our new Iphones…and I’m on the way to the clinic because I think I may have a touch of the flu…

We are over the top excited for this trip…no more cycling for us until we meet up with our group in Praha (get used to it that’s what they call it).

My head is spinning with what lies ahead…Prague to Budapest…physical challenge, emotional experiences, castles, disturbing history, great beer, and new friends.

I’m taking my Czech literary friends with me (if you don’t know who these people are…you really should pick up a book sometime:P Hoping to understand Kundera’s ‘Unbearable Lightness of Being” at a deeper level. I will definitely be going on the Kafka literary walks in Prague, and my favorite Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke will definitely color my perspective.

We have booked some tours and the rest we will free form it. Still need a few last minute errands and surviving work Monday and Tuesday…

Moni and I have been discussing our “ways” of traveling together and I think we are both prepared to be loose and flex to each others styles (ok I am…she is PMS’ing right now). She will still complain and moan which is ok as long as she doesn’t try to talk to me at 5 a.m. I will work on my “full of it” confidence? I think that’s a good descriptor. Don’t worry James, I will definitely describe the experience of biking with Moni…kudos to her as she has definitely calmed down the SPAZ factor. Just breathe…stay calm…and go slow…

We will post when we can…no worries…we’re out! Norma

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